Monday, September 28, 2015

Show your children this picture....

What could have been done to prevent this from happening? Something as simple as cutting and recycling these plastics rings could have altered the fate of this poor little guy.

Why are so many of us so utterly careless about our planet and its living creatures? will we ever see the true outcome of our actions?

I'm Sorry

This is the reality we need to hear, but is hard to stomach....

I am Sorry

You Are a Nucleus....

"Do you want to be a positive influence in the world?"

First, get your own life in order. Ground yourself in the single principle so that your behavior is wholesome and effective. If you do that, you will earn respect and be a powerful influence. 

Your behavior influences others through a ripple effect. A ripple effect works because everyone influences everyone else. Powerful people are powerful influences.

If your life works, you influence your family.
If your family works, your family influences the community. 
If your community works, your community influences the nation. 
If your nation works, your nation influences the world. 
If your world works, the ripple effect spreads throughout the cosmos. 

Remember that your influence begins with you and ripples outward. So be sure that your influence is both potent and wholesome. 

How do I know that this works? 

All growth spreads outward from a fertile and potent nucleus. You are a nucleus.